Alex is here!

Alexander James Brantley was born on Tuesday, January 5th at 3:43pm.  He weighed 7lbs and 8ozs.  He was 20 and a quarter inches long.  But even more importantly than all the statistics, he is adorable! I went into early labor around 12:30 on Sunday morning.  After laboring all day at home on Monday, we finally […]

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Here is our nursery

James and I spend a lot of time getting the nursery together this fall before Alex arrived.  We were going for a jungle theme.  We painted the walls “slate green”, got jungle nursery bedding, and put up shelves to accommodate some of our old toys to decorate the nursery.   On the shelves that line the […]

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Our First Blog!

Welcome to Alexander’s web page!  We have created this web page so that our family and friends can stay up to date with Alex and how he is doing even if you don’t live close by.  Of course, if you are close by, feel free to stop by and see him in person!  We would […]

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