Happy Halloween!

Well, even though the monkey costume is definitely cheap (two buttons broke just in the hour he was wearing it today), I have to admit that he still looks pretty cute! We spent this afternoon trying to get some good pictures of Alex on the porch with the pumpkins.  At first, he was a really […]

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Halloween – Part 1

Alex’s rolling of his ball has progressed to tossing his ball.  It cracks him up to toss his ball towards us and have us roll it back to him.  Here I caught an action shot.  It is kind of hard to tell, but in the second picture, the ball is actually in the air. The […]

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Pumpkin Patch

Happy Autumn! Our family went to the pumpkin patch this weekend.  It was fun for all.  Alex was a little confused by all the people, but we still got some cute pictures.  Plus, we got a family picture finally!  Now, I can’t wait for Halloween to dress him up in his costume. Alex and I […]

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9 Months Old!

Today my son is 9 months old and we had his nine month check up.  According to his pediatrician, Alex weights 19 pounds and 11 ounces, he is 28 inches high, and his head circumference is 45.72 centimeters.  That puts him in the 30th, 50th, and 60th percentiles respectively.    He also has his first […]

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