Birthday Journal #3

Dear Alex, We held your third birthday party on Saturday, January 5th at 10am.  The theme this year was Toy Story, your favorite movie. We had a pretty small party this year.  We invited family: Mimi, Grandma, and Aunt Nicole, and we only invited a few of your friends: Makayla, Rhegan, and Micah, Benji, Riley, […]

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Random September

September has been a busy month for us.  Not only did we have the Trike-a-thon, but we played with neighbors, ate out, and a great time.  Here are some pictures to enjoy. Bath time: Central Market: Eating at IHOP with Mimi Playing with Makayla.  They are going to be trouble! Trying sherbet for the first […]

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Alex’s school had a trike-a-thon this September to raise money for St. Jude’s Hospital.  We posted his fundraising online and had a huge response.  Thanks to all our friends and family Alex raised $200 for St. Jude! I was unable to attend the actual event, but James and Mimi went to support Alex.  He had […]

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This school year Alex has really enjoyed going out to the mailbox with me every day to get the mail.  He loves running down the driveway and taking any mail for James in to his daddy. Recently, Alex got his own mail for the first time!  He was so excited!  Here is what the envelope […]

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First Day of Daycare- Second Year

Today was Alex’s first day of daycare for the school year.  It didn’t really feel any different since he has been going to his school a lot this summer while I worked.  I have been back at work full time basically since the first of August.  He didn’t change teachers or classrooms from where he […]

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All Caught Up!

After writing almost 10 posts over the past two weeks, I am finally caught up with my blog writing.  All my pictures from February through August are up on this blog. Alex starts his second year of school tomorrow.  I know that technically it isn’t even preschool yet, but Alex loves his school, his teachers, […]

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August 2012 – Part 2 – Relatives

Relatives! This August we were very lucky.  We had the wonderful opportunity to get to spend some time with some of our family from Louisiana.  Alex got to visit with his Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Steve, Aunt Chris, and Aunt Iddy. The first night we all went out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants: La […]

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August 2012 – Part 1 – One Perfect Day

Now I am not trying to say that I have not had other perfect days, because I have.   But, Alex and I had a wonderful day this month, just him and me. Our day started out with breakfast at one of my favorite Dallas breakfast eateries: Cafe Brazil. Then we drove to Stonebriar Mall, […]

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July 2012 – Part 3

VACATION – Part 2! Sleeping in the condo gave Alex a chance to sleep in a big boy bed for the first time.  It was actually a bunk bed.  The ladder actually acted as a railing so that he did not roll out of the bed.  He really enjoyed his bed. Our days in the […]

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July 2012 – Part 2

VACATION – Part 1! We got to take a family vacation this summer, and we decided to introduce Alex to the beach.  So, we drove down to Corpus Christi and spent 3 days there.  Here is our photo journal… Here is Alex in the car as we are about to pull out of the driveway: […]

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