First Day of Daycare- Second Year
Today was Alex’s first day of daycare for the school year. It didn’t really feel any different since he has been going to his school a lot this summer while I worked. I have been back at work full time basically since the first of August. He didn’t change teachers or classrooms from where he has been this summer. So calling this the first day of school seems a little strange to me, but his school makes a big deal out of today.
So, since today was his official first day of school, so here is the post!
He tried to pretend he was still asleep when I went to wake him up:
He chose his own outfit. And yes, the irony is not lost on me that the out fit he chose this year…
Is almost the same as the outfit I chose for him last year:
He brushed his teeth:
We drove to his school:
He hammed it up for the camera:
Have another great year, my son!