Spring Break Withdrawl

So I went back to work for a week and then had Spring Break to spend with Alex at home.  I can’t tell you how great that was.  In a way, though, I almost wish I hadn’t had that extra week at home.  It made going back to work this past week even more difficult.  […]

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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Alex and I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! We had our 2 month doctor’s appointment, and everything looks good.  Alex is now 23 inches long and weighs 11 pounds and 9 ounces.  My boy is getting so big!

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Here He Is!

Here is a video of my boy enjoying his time in his bouncy chair:  

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We Survived!

Well, after my first week back at work it is safe to report that Alex and I both survived.  Alex had it easier than I did.  He got to spend each day hanging out with the best grandmothers in the world.  I had to go to school and miss him!  To make the transition easier […]

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Professional Pictures!

Yesterday I took Alex to Sears to get professional pictures made for his 2-month milestone.  It is hard to believe that he will be 2 months old tomorrow.  I think the pictures turned out pretty great.  I have added all of them to our photo tab; I put the ones I think are better first, […]

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8 weeks old

So my goal is to update this web page every week.  So far, I have missed a couple of weeks.  Sorry!  You would think that since all I have been doing is sitting home with a baby all day, I would have plenty of time.  For some reason, when a baby wants my attention, nothing […]

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