Birthday Journal #2
Dear Alex,
We had your second birthday party this year on Saturday, January 14th at 11:00 o’clock. The theme this year was Sesame Street. We invited your friends Makayla, Ian, Ellie, Mia, Riley, Xander, Micah, Noah, and Newton. Your Mimi, Gamma, Papa, and Meemaw also came to celebrate with you. The person who drove from farthest away was Gamma, who drove from Richardson. The person who came from the closest location were our neighbors Ian and Ellie who live right next door.
At your party we had snack food that included Elmo’s goldfish (goldfish crackers), Cookie Monster’s cookies (miniature chocolate chip cookies), Abby’s cookie with fairy dust (iced animal crackers with sprinkles), and pizza.
For activities we had Sesame Street houses that the kids loved running through, balloons to play with, and we listened to Sesame Street music.
I ordered your cake this year instead of making it. I was just not sure that I could pull off an Elmo cake, and I knew that was what you would love. I found a great local, family-owned bakery in town and they made you a scrumptious Elmo cake that everyone enjoyed.
You still didn’t blow out your own candle this year, but you tried. Next year I bet you’ll get it all by yourself! You enjoyed eating your cake this year – unlike last year, but you definitely liked the icing best. A boy after your mother’s own heart!
This year we opened presents at the party, and you had a great time. So did all your friends, who wanted to help you. Your friends were very generous and you loved all your presents. Your favorite gifts so far seem to be the books from Riley & Xander and the musical tool box from Makayla.
I spent most of my time taking pictures of you and everyone else, but thanks to my friend John there are a couple of pictures of me helping you open presents. Thanks, John!
Happy Birthday to my Two-year-old!