Fort Worth Stock Show!
Today we took Alex to the Fort Worth Stock Show for the first time. We didn’t try to see the rodeo, but we did have a great time with some friends showing Alex all the animals. He had a blast looking at all the livestock. There was even a petting zoo that got him so excited he was jumping up and down in the middle of the petting zoo screaming, “Animals! Animals!” It was too cute! Enjoy some pictures of our day:
Alex on a pony. This is my version, but the actual paid-for version isn’t much better.
Alex looking at pigs
Close-up of my boy with his busted lip. He fell in the hallway on Saturday, and it is still swollen.
Petting a baby goat at the petting zoo
Yelling, “Animals!”
Meeting the llama
Petting a rabbit
More rabbit
Enjoying the midway with Daddy
Death grip once he noticed the pirate ship ride moving
All in all it was a great day, and I can’t wait to take him back next year!