One Week Old!
Alex is one week old today! It has been a rough week and a great week all at the same time. The rough part has been the the obvious lack of sleep, but I am sure that I will get used to that soon. Also, Alex was pretty jaundiced when he was born. It continued to go up while we were at the hospital and the first day we were at home. We had to go back to the hospital 2 days in a row after we were released for further testing. People kept telling me that it wasn’t that serious and he would get better soon, but it is hard to believe that when it is your own child that is sick.
But thank goodness by Sunday, his jaundice was going down. At our follow-up appointment on Monday, the doctor was very happy with Alex’s progress. Hopefully at our first appointment with our pediatrician tomorrow, she will give Alex a clean bill of health.
It has been a great week because we are parents! James and I still look at each other in wonder that we have a child. We have had firsts like Alex’s first bath and first walk around the neighborhood. (See the calendar for other firsts as they occur.) And I still can’t believe it has already been a week!