April 2012
In April this year we colored Easter eggs with Alex for the first time. Although Daddy did most of the work, Alex had a good time.
Then we had an Easter Egg hunt at our house. Just like last year, Alex really enjoyed himself.
After the egg hunt at our house, we went to Mimi’s house and had another egg hunt. He had another great time.
In April, Alex’s Aunt Nicole came for a visit. Alex loves spending time with her. One of our favorite things to do when she is in town is go out to eat at H3 in downtown Fort Worth.
Alex laughing —
Showing off his indie music cred:
Playing around with his aunt:
We capped off April by washing our car. Alex helped his daddy for the first time. He really enjoyed playing in the water, and he kept sticking his head all the way into the bucket when he was getting more water on his sponge.