May 2012
May was a busy month for us. It was filled with all sorts of activities: birthday parties, eating out, Mother’s Day, and playing with the neighbors.
First, Alex was invited to the birthday party of one of our neighbors, Makayla. She and Alex are great friends. The party was held at one of our favorite parks. There was even a pinata. You didn’t hit it with a stick (thank goodness) but instead pulled ribbons until the candy came out. Here are some of the best shots:
The week before Mother’s Day, Alex’s school had a lovely event called “Muffins for Mom.” I got to go in when I dropped him off and have breakfast with him. It was fun!
For Mother’s Day, we had everyone over to our house again. Alex sure does love spending time with his grandparents. Spending time with Pappa:
Why is Grandma laughing?
Alex is hiding behind her tickling her!
Playing piano with Deepaw
All the mothers
My sweet boy
One of Alex’s best friends is our neighbor. Here are some shots of them playing and swimming.
I have a feeling these two are going to be trouble!