July 2012 – Part 1
July was an extremely busy month. We celebrated the fourth with neighbors, went on vacation, and played and played and played.
First, we got together with some neighbors for July 4th. Alex loves swimming at their house.
After swimming, he collapsed onto a pool float in their house. He was totally exhausted.
Thunderstorms were brewing one evening, but they weren’t close yet, so Alex and I went out into the backyard to watch them blow in. I got some good shots.
Alex loves jumping from the retaining wall in our back yard. Here are some action shots:
Bath time pictures!
Before all of the Chick-Fil-A controversy started, we took Alex there for the first time because our power went out and it was getting very hot in the house. At first, he was too timid to play on the play structure, but finally he warmed up and played with some of the other kids.
One of Alex’s new favorite past times is playing in closets. He loves to just sit in the back of his closet or our closet. Recently, he walked out of our closet wearing his father’s boots.
And yes, you can probably tell from the picture that each boot is from a different pair and they are both left shoes.
Alex loves driving around the neighborhood in his car.
Alex had fun at Grandma & Deepaw’s this month. He “rode” the carousel horse with Deepaw and played with the magnets on the fridge.
One evening, we went out for ice cream. Alex loves ice cream – just like his mommy!
Alex played at Mimi’s house:
We also took Alex out for sushi for the first time. Let me tell you, Alex is not an adventurous eater. We have a really hard time getting him to try new food. Sushi was no exception. He wouldn’t try a thing – not even the chicken teriyaki we ordered for him. Finally, he tried the white rice. He loved it! It is now one of his new favorite foods.