June 2012 – Part 2
This is the second half of my June post. We took Alex back to Parr Park this month, and although it was extremely hot, Alex wanted to run around and play until we made him leave.
Alex also took swim lessons this summer from his school. He had lessons every day for 2 weeks, and Alex had a blast. His teachers told me that he was one of the most eager students they have had. One of of the first days, he jumped right in the pool without waiting for his teacher or any other students. Good thing it is shallow and his teacher was right behind him.
Alex puts his face in the water, kicks his feet, moves his arms, and he can climb out of the pool all by himself. We were allowed to watch the lessons from inside the school (and behind a fence) but we couldn’t get any closer. Sorry that the pictures aren’t very good. I hope you can see how much he is enjoying himself.
We also took Alex swimming at a local pool. He loves being in the water more than just about anything.
I know in these pictures of Alex with his father and with me he doesn’t look all that happy, but he was actually laughing and having a good time. I just couldn’t capture that on camera very well.