Dear Alex,
We held your third birthday party on Saturday, January 5th at 10am. The theme this year was Toy Story, your favorite movie.
We had a pretty small party this year. We invited family: Mimi, Grandma, and Aunt Nicole, and we only invited a few of your friends: Makayla, Rhegan, and Micah, Benji, Riley, and Xander. Unfortunately, Riley, Xander, and Benji were sick, so only Makayla, Rhegan, and Micah came. The person who came from farthest away was your Aunt Nicole from Seattle. The person from the closest location was our neighbors Makayla and her little baby brother, Brayden.
At your party we had Toy Story themed food including Stinky Pete’s walking sticks (pretzels), Buzz’s Fruit Rockets (mini fruit kabobs), Bullseye’s Carrots (mini carrot sticks), and Pizza Planet Pizza (mini bagel bite cheese pizzas).
For activities we had everyone color Toy Story pictures to start with.
Then we had horse races up and down the hallway on stick horses.
Then we decorated cupcakes to look like Mr. Potato Head.
Finally we broke into a Buzz Lightyear pinata all while Toy Story was playing on the television.
With the cupcake decorating, I didn’t make a separate cake this year, but I did decorate a special cupcake just for you with your favorite sprinkles. You didn’t have any trouble blowing out the candle yourself. You, of course, ate all the icing off your cupcakes. Yummy!
At the end of your party your friends got gift bags with crayons, Toy Story stickers, a red bandana, and they got to pick out their own Toy Story Pez dispenser.
We didn’t open presents in front of your friends, but Mimi, Grandma, and Aunt Nicole stayed to watch you. I think your favorite gifts are the Rex toy from Mimi, the Mr. Potato Head from Grandma, and the Bullseye toy from Aunt Nicole.
Alex, my wishes for you this year are to continue to grow, stay healthy, learn, and be happy. You are the light of my life. Happy birthday, Son!