So last week I decided to change up Alex’s eating routine. He is still nursing, taking a bottle, and eating pureed food and organic baby food. He is going to be one-year-old in a little over a week, and I am awfully tired of putting things in the blender, so I decided to try something new. For the first time I gave Alex a meal of all real food. For his breakfast he had organic baby oatmeal and half a banana. Man, does he love bananas! For lunch, I made him half a vegetarian hot dog, half a stick of string cheese, some olive slices, and some chopped green beans.
He liked all his food and did a great job! I think I just gave him too many choices for his first big-boy meal. He got tired of me only letting him have a couple pieces at a time. He really just wanted to stuff his face. Next time I just won’t show him all of his food up front. Then he will be surprised when he keeps getting more.
On the sign language front, Alex is still doing well. He has added the sign for “all done” to his repertoire. He is also getting better at pointing at what he wants more of when he signs “more”. It is great fun to watch the light bulb flash when he realizes that making a sign for something will get me to respond in the way he wants me to do. Here he is signing “more”:
We also went by my old job last week: Huntington Learning Center. I was disappointed that my ex-boss was not in that day, but Alex and I had a lot of fun visiting with Jeannette and the other teachers I used to work with. Who knows, maybe one day Alex will be a student there himself, working on raising his SAT scores! A mom can dream, can’t she? 😉
Pictures from his birthday party are still forthcoming…