Alex is now 6 -months old. It is really hard to believe. We had our 6-months check-up today, and he is doing great. He now weighs 17 pounds and measures at 27 inches long. His weight is in the 50th percentile and his height is in the 75th. All in all, everything is on track.
He did much better with his vaccines today than he has in the past. Alex cried initially, but by the time the nurse was finished and I picked him up, he was smiling at the nurse again. He is such a flirt!
This summer has been pretty unmonumental for us. No huge milestones have been hit. Alex still looks like he could begin crawling any day now, but he just isn’t quite there. He can sit by himself without being propped up on anything, but only for about 10 seconds before he leans too far one way or another, and he can’t pull himself into a sitting position yet. All of these things are right around the corner, I am sure.
Unfortunately, the summer is over half-way finished for me. I go back to work the first week of August. My days at home with my little man are numbered, but I am appreciating every one that I have.
Look for the introduction of more food soon, but for now I will leave you with a belated Happy 4th of July!