Well, after my first week back at work it is safe to report that Alex and I both survived. Alex had it easier than I did. He got to spend each day hanging out with the best grandmothers in the world. I had to go to school and miss him! To make the transition easier for me, I made sure to take lots of pictures of him with me to work. That way I could “see” him whenever I wanted to see him.
I won’t lie, though; it wasn’t easy. I sure wish I could stay home with him all the time, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards for us right now.
Alex had a couple of firsts this week. He went to his first party. Yes, you read that right: a party. One of James’ childhood friends has a St. Patrick’s Day party every year, and we decided to stop by early on in the evening mostly just to introduce Alex to those friends. Alex was a big hit at the party and spent most of his time there being passed around from person to person. Seeing as St. Patrick’s Day is his mother’s second favorite holiday, Alex picked the right month to make his party debut!
Alex also went to church for the first time this past weekend. He was a big hit there as well. I know, at 2 months old he probably should have gone sooner, but I have been worried about how he would behave. It turns out he did pretty well. He made his baby grunts throughout the service and I did have to give him a bottle towards the end, but all in all he did great. I was very proud.
Yesterday I took Alex to Sears to get professional pictures made for his 2-month milestone. It is hard to believe that he will be 2 months old tomorrow. I think the pictures turned out pretty great. I have added all of them to our photo tab; I put the ones I think are better first, then the rest. This one, however, is my favorite:
Next week will begin another leg of our adventure together as I return to work and Alex gets to spend his days with his Grandma and Mimi. He is the luckiest boy in the world to have two such wonderful grandmothers to take care of him. I know Alex will do great with them; here’s hoping I survive going back to work without him!
So my goal is to update this web page every week. So far, I have missed a couple of weeks. Sorry! You would think that since all I have been doing is sitting home with a baby all day, I would have plenty of time. For some reason, when a baby wants my attention, nothing else seems to matter. 🙂
Last week was a great week. James’ sister, Nicole, came from Seattle to see her nephew. We had a great time spending time with her. We went and ate at La Hacienda again, and even though Alex didn’t sleep through the entire meal like he has been doing at restaurants, he was still pretty good. We also hung out at Mimi’s house and our house, and all in all just had a good time spending time with family.
I can’t believe how big my son is getting. He has grown out of his newborn size diapers, most of his newborn outfits are getting pretty tight, and his 0-3 month size outfits that were too big are now fitting nicely. Before I know it, he’ll be walking and talking.
Speaking of progress, Alex rolled over today, twice! He rolled from his tummy to his back, which is supposed to be the easiest roll, but I am still impressed. Of course, when I tried to video Alex with his new skill, he decided that he was tired of rolling and all he wanted to do for the camera was scream. I decided not to post that. A video of my son screaming while all I do is tape him and say, “Roll over,” is not likely to highlight my good parenting skills.
A deadline is quickly approaching us: I go back to work next week. It is a scary, scary thought to leave my son. My only consolation is that Grandma and Mimi will be taking care of him. Thank goodness! If I had to turn him over to strangers, I don’t think I could.
Well, that is all for this week. I added some pictures to our album as well, so check them out.
Happy March, everyone!
Alex has had a busy week this past week. He had his first trip to a book store: a comic book store. We visited Jeremy and family at Titan Comics in Dallas. And even though Alex slept through most of the trip, I think he enjoyed himself. (See picture I added under photos) On Thursday and Friday he weathered his first snow storm in Texas. It was record breaking with 10 inches of snow! I only wish Alex was old enough to go outside and play in the snow!
Since Grandma and Grandpa’s electricity went out, they came to stay with us on Saturday. We all went out to eat on Saturday night at Maple & Motor: Burgers & Beer. (See picture I added under photos) It is a hamburger joint owned by my friend Jack. We met a bunch of my friends from work. It was a lot of fun to get to introduce Alex to my friends. Maybe next time he will be awake to meet them! He seems to sleep at any restaurant we go to.
Then, on Monday morning we had our first play date. One of my coworkers, Maureen, brought her 16 month-old over to meet Alex. And again, Alex slept. He is good at that! 😉
Today we went back to the pediatrician. Alex got his first vaccine since the one when he was born. They also weighed him again, and he weighs nine pounds and nine ounces. My lucky number! Since at one point he was down to six pounds ten ounces, that is a nice, healthy gain. (See picture I added under photos)
All in all, it has been a wonderful 6 weeks!
Okay, I promise that not every post will be about how old Alex is, but I can’t believe that my son is already a month old! He looks the same to me, but I have had to adjust the straps on the car seat, so I know he has grown at least a little. I also can’t believe that I have had 4 weeks off of work already. And that means that unfortunately, that I only have 4 weeks left until I have to go back to work. 🙁
We had our first road trip with Alex two weeks ago. We took Alex to Plaucheville, Louisiana to meet his relatives there. Unfortunately, it was not a totally joyous trip. James’ grandmother passed away and we went for the funeral. Even though it was a sad occasion, I have to say it was a good trip. I am thrilled that Alex got to meet his Louisiana relatives and got to spend some time with his MeMe. I am just sorry I didn’t take any pictures while we were there.
I can’t believe my boy is 3-weeks old today. He really is a good baby. We have had a great weekend with lots of firsts. Alex and I had our first trip out of the house that wasn’t to see a doctor. We went to Love Field Airport to pick up Heather, my best friend since 9th grade, who flew in from New Mexico to meet Alex. We also had our first meal out at a restaurant when we took Heather to La Hacienda on Thursday night. Then we went shopping for the first time on Friday to Babies R Us.
All in all, it was a great weekend. Mostly we just had fun hanging out with Heather. Thanks again, Heather for coming to see us. We can’t wait to get more visitors!
Oh, and I added pictures to the picture link to the left. Check them out!
I can’t believe that Alex is already 2 weeks old! People tell you that time will fly by with a baby, and they are right!
Last week Alex had his first appointment with his pediatrician. We were supposed to go last Wednesday, but our doctor called in sick. So, we had to wait until Friday. The doctor didn’t run any more blood tests, but she said that just by looking at Alex she could tell that his jaundice was even better. His skin doesn’t look at all yellow any more. The only sign left is that his eyes still have a tiny tinge of yellow in them. He is also gaining weight; he is almost back up to his birth weight again. All in all, it was a very good appointment.
The only health problem he is having now is that he has an infected tear duct in his right eye. The doctor said that it is very common in newborns and not to worry about it. We have some ointment, and his eye is looking better already!
This week Alex and I are trying things on our own. We even took our first walk today by ourselves. It was fun. Xena likes escorting her little brother around the neighborhood.
Alex is one week old today! It has been a rough week and a great week all at the same time. The rough part has been the the obvious lack of sleep, but I am sure that I will get used to that soon. Also, Alex was pretty jaundiced when he was born. It continued to go up while we were at the hospital and the first day we were at home. We had to go back to the hospital 2 days in a row after we were released for further testing. People kept telling me that it wasn’t that serious and he would get better soon, but it is hard to believe that when it is your own child that is sick.
But thank goodness by Sunday, his jaundice was going down. At our follow-up appointment on Monday, the doctor was very happy with Alex’s progress. Hopefully at our first appointment with our pediatrician tomorrow, she will give Alex a clean bill of health.
It has been a great week because we are parents! James and I still look at each other in wonder that we have a child. We have had firsts like Alex’s first bath and first walk around the neighborhood. (See the calendar for other firsts as they occur.) And I still can’t believe it has already been a week!